
Chicks Always Dig the Fast Car

As if more proof is needed to show that the web is a great democratic force of nature, here is, well, more proof. The dregs of the singles scene had always been the dating services. Things improved only slightly with the advent of computer dating, where all pretence of romance was sucked out of the process.

Then along came the big ole world-wide-web, rocking the dating province out of its arranged marriage conventions. Now the yearning souls could reveal their intimate details under the cloak of anonymity and belch them forth to the multitudes and find with certainty their perfect match. This new expanded realm is so successful that online matchmaking can be targeted to specific subjects. For an example check out RaceFansConnect.com, the dating community for stock car aficionados. Before you ridicule allow me to remind you that one of Hollywood's royal couples met while filming some fuel injected magic, before waving the checkered flag on their marriage. But don't let their failings affect your quest to find that perfect gear head in your headlights.

If you need to sound knowledgeable about turning left follow this primer. And one piece of advice. Do not ever giggle when you mention the name Dick Trickle, because that will be a dead giveaway that you are a poser.

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