
Are You Implying Movie Stars Behave Differently?

Set your faces on "stun". There is a new book on the horizon that details that many people in Hollywood misbehave and act like sociopathic gibbons wired on crank and other stimulants. The book, "Hollywood Interrupted", is primed to be the "Hollywood Babylon" for the new millenium. Or it will be just another scandal tome forgotten in three months. You can decide with this sneak from Page6. Either way, it will have to be pretty good to eclipse the venerated Joe Eszterhas classic, the 736 page "Hollywood Animal".

"Interrupted" will have a high bar to clear, as the flesh merchant Eszterhas had some gems in his tract. There was the entry where he claimed to have bedded Sharon Stone and he proclaimed, "her body was doughy, too much peanut butter and Wonder Bread maybe." My favorite though was his reporting that after writing the scripts with uplifting female roles like "Basic Instinct", "Jade", "Sliver", and "Showgirls" he was going to collaborate with none other than Gloria Steinem. This may have done as much damage to female empowerment as Gloria's support of Bill Clinton, after he preyed on numerous lasses. Maybe they cooked up a sequel where Ms. Berkley burned her bra before loudly fornicating in a pool with the producer.

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